It is my pleasure to welcome you all to study block after a long period of break(though to some it may have been a short one). I hope we all milked enough funs of the season into our reservoirs because the opportunity in its best choice comes twice in our period of training(3years). And for those that did not go on break, do not feel bad as you still stand chances.
Sure it may irk us that the break is over but I want us to come to terms with that and embrace our fate. So with Great Joy! I once again welcome us back as I vehemently trust that we are not behind closed doors to the fact that we have resumed to embrace challenges in ''stronger force''.
Perhaps you may say ''I have entered higher institution' I have arrived.... So let me relax briefly''(for part1 students) ''l passed Year 1 without I deserve a fleeting worst I may have a ref'' (Part2) ''If I was able to walk over the most-believed-tidious year two what then is in year three'' (Part3)......…''MY DEAR BE WISER''
It is certain that the higher we go the tougher it becomes and we would not say we cannot go higher because we would not want to encounter toughness... So we are invited to be more cautious, observant and strong footed.
Also, it is believed that at the end of every dark tunnel there is a bright light. So I ask......will it not be unwise to turn back at the sight of a bright light when one is uncertain about his location in a journey through a dark tunnel?
As we have resumed, we should expect such pressing tasks which might still be strange to some but have become routines for majority, as
Daily attendance to classes
Mandatory assignments
Reading for both tests and exams
Reading before classes otherwise you may stand out for wrong answers.
Participation in NISONM Games.
If you are an exco ...more works.
For all these tasks which come almost in succession, :''success is not an option but a necessity ''
It may amaze you to hear that the key to this SUCCESS lies within your abode.
Your orientation and perception about things engineer your way to success.
So change your orientation and perception about situations to positive and if you are there ''BRAVO!!!
An optimist sees an opportunity in every difficulty..... Be an OPTIMIST.
Discipline cannot exist in the absence of laws or principles.
Set principles for yourself and do not lower standard to please anyone.
Below are some steps which I targged ''DEAR BE WISER''and some motivational quotes by Brian Tracy to assist;
Those already on the journey
And those that have derailed,
to make good starts, retain their stands on the track and retrace their steps respectively as they journey on the path that moulds them as nurses.
Devote time for leisure
Expect more fun than you planned
Avoid being distracted as to forget your purpose
Recall your dream and focus.
Be God fearing and have self acceptance.
Engage yourself each day with something new.
Withdraw from friends whose dreams are far out of line from yours.
Invite those that will help your dream, make friends with them and practice what they did.
Shut off from distraction at some points and have quiet time to asses your stand
Encourage yourself in both success and failure.
Remain strong and resilient. Restart when you fail.
.The way to get started is to quit talking and start doing.
Do not be afraid of falling . The more you fall the higher you bounce.
The man who has confidence in himself gains the confidence of others.
It is not whether you get knocked down. It is whether you get up.
The future belongs to the competent, so be good, get better and be the best.
Hence I urge you ''DEAR BE WISER''
The future is in our hands
With determination we can achieve success
Great student nurses!!!
Long live SON LUTH!!!
From your President
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